Automated Riveting System 101 With Part-On | Automated Riveting Machine | GESIPA | FAR | AVDEL | MASTERFIX

Automated Riveting System 101 With Part-On

28 September 2021

Buying Guides, Tools

As we move into the era of industry 4.0 automation is the future for most manufacturing businesses and the only way to cope in the present marketplace.  It allows for higher quality parts, higher and more consistent production  and allows companies to avoid employee absences etc.

What are automated riveting systems?

A riveting machine is used to automatically set rivets to join materials together. The riveting machine offers greater consistency, productivity, and lower cost when compared to manual riveting.


What is the difference between fully automated and semi automated?

Within manufacturing production processes can be fully manual, semi-automated or fully automated. Generally, semi-automatic equipment includes an operator starting the process and machine finishes. A fully automatic system starts the process and finishes it with minimal operator assistance.


4 Benefits of implementing automated rivet / rivet nut systems in your business!

  • Saving money – The work can get done faster and with less people than with manual equipment.
  • Improve Efficiency – It takes less time to do a job and it is more likely to be done correctly.
  • Maximise Space – Riveting can be done in one area by one machine rather than having multiple stations for employees, especially now considering social distancing!
  • Better Customer Service –  Guarenteed accuracy for happy customers never mind fulfiling orders/jobs faster!


4 Disadvantages of implementing automated rivet / rivet nut systems in your business.

  • Initial cost of equipment – Automed equipment is more expensive up front than manual equipment. But Click Here to find out about super deduction in tax
  • Reduced flexibility for change – Once automated systems are in place, it is likely not as easy to make changes in your workspace. But once you go automated and see how smoothly everything runs, it’s not likely you’ll want to return to manual equipment afterward.
  • Possible downtime due to malfunction – With automatic machines there is always the chance of a problem or breakdown, which can lead to considerable downtime while it is repaired by a trained specialist.
  • Maintenance costs – Maintenance should be handled by specialists – like Part-On – who are trained to inspect and undergo maintence so that it runs smoothly and efficiently. Properly maintained equipment will save you money in the long run by preventing problems and increasing the overall lifespan of your systems.

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