Bryce’s Wife’s Cancer Update | Bryce Fastener | Blog

Bryce’s Wife’s Cancer Update

Jun 25, 2018

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I have a great team at Bryce Fastener Inc which keeps things running smoothly when I’m gone. When life turned upside down for my wife and me last summer, they kept production and sales running smoothly. Last August, my wife’s battle with cancer began. It started with a long climb through multiple rounds of chemo, culminating with a Stem Cell Transplant at the end of January. Then, a four-month recovery to regain strength; starting with too little energy to walk to the shower. I needed to make a shift from full time business to caregiver. My wife’s personal goal was to gain enough strength to walk to our granddaughter’s college and high school graduation ceremonies in May.

Any of you who have gone through a long year of cancer treatment and recovery, understand the sentimental feeling when told you’re in remission. The sentiment is equal parts happy for yourself, but with a newfound empathy for those we know who didn’t make it. One of our expert miniature screw machinists, Paul, knows that feeling after battling Lung Cancer. My youngest daughter, Rebekah, who works in our marketing dept. knows the feeling after having Leukemia. I’m happy to announce my wife of 48 years, (who is also our Accounts Payables/Receivables Manager) made it into remission and is even back at work. She’s gone from not being able to write her name, to handily signing checks to our suppliers (which I’m sure they’re happy about). Life is uncertain, it can change in a moment. We had a few lows this past year. The most challenging days were often met with supportive prayers, encouragement, and care from family and friends. Now our time together is relished in a new way. The pictures are from the graduation ceremonies. Yes, my wife had plenty of energy to walk to them alongside almost our whole family. It’s an understatement when I say we celebrated the entire weekend!

bryce campbell family pic

bryce campbell family pic

bryce campbell family pic

bryce campbell family pic

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