Miter Gauge Jigs by MiterSet – Fast, Accurate Angles in Minutes!

I have never been a fan of table saw sleds. I prefer using a miter gauge for cross cutting on the table saw. I have two new tools in my shop I want to tell you about. They are miter gauge jigs that allow you to quickly and easily set your miter gauge to the desired angle. I could have really used these over the past 30 years of my professional woodworking career. It would have saved me hundreds of hours over the years while increasing my miter gauge setting accuracy. I now consider these MiterSet jigs as indispensable as my precision squares and other measuring tools.

Even as an experienced woodworker, it always took time to set my miter gauge precisely, often having to make micro adjustments based on test cuts.  With these MicroSet jigs now changing angles on the miter gauge is no longer a source of frustration.

There are two designs, the MiterSet Standard and the Miterset Segments. MiterSet Standard is for setting any angle between 0° and 52.5° in .5° increments.  The MiterSet Segements is for setting the miter gauge to cut perfect segmented rings with any number of segments between 4 to 20 pieces. Fast, easy and glue up ready.

“The MiterSet miter gauge jigs have made a huge difference in my shop. Now it’s really no big deal to change my miter gauge angles, it’s takes just a couple minutes and I get perfect miters every time!”

If you cut compound angles on the table saw, make frames or cut segments for lathe work, these miter gauge jigs are a must have tool.

We have an affiliate relationship with MiterSet Tools, so if you decide to buy, we would appreciate if you would click though our store. PLEASE NOTE: We only sell and have links in our store to items that I use in my own shop and highly recommend. Thanks! ~ Allan Little, AskWoodMan

Wood Frames and Segments made using the MiterSet miter gauge jigsWood Frames and Segments made using the MiterSet miter gauge jigs
Frames and Segments made using the MiterSet miter gauge jigs

The fist time I used the jig it was instant success. There is no learning curve. The instruction manual is clear and well written. Visit our store to view or download the full manuals on each of these cool tools. View MiterSet Segments owner’s manual. View MiterSet Standard owner’s manual.

Precision miter gauge jigs by MiterSetPrecision miter gauge jigs by MiterSet
MiterSet – miter gauge jigs that really work. Set complicated angles in minutes.

TIP: I like using a space bar with my MiterSet jigs. I don’t want there to be any chance that the steel pins might make an indentation in my wood and possibly affect the accuracy of my angles.

Precision miter gauge jigs made by MiterSetPrecision miter gauge jigs made by MiterSet
MiterSet miter gauge jigs in action. Set your angles and get on with your work!
Allan Little in his shop with his MiterSet miter gauge jigsAllan Little in his shop with his MiterSet miter gauge jigs
“I love these miter gauge jigs!” ~ Allan Little, AskWoodMan

Watch my MiterSet Video Series below or on YouTube. (5 short videos)

NOTE: You will notice in the my videos that my miter bar fits a little tight in both MiterSet jigs. The reason is because  my miter gauge track has had so much use and wear over the years that I had to expand my miter bar slightly for a better fit.

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