New Torque Wrench Tester by Mountz Wins Industry Innovation Award – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Mountz Torque Wrench Tester

Mountz Inc., a specialist in providing torque and fastening solutions, today announced that it has been honored with a Pro Tool Innovation Award for its Validator torque wrench tester in the Test & Measurement –  Inspection category. Tool, fastener, and accessory winners were decided by innovation-including a mix of new features, power, and value. These are best-in-class products that are truly ahead of their time. Over 50 different manufacturers submitted 260 tool entries in dozens of categories for a shot to win a 2017 Pro Tool Innovation Award.

This is the third time in the past five years that Mountz has earned the innovation award. The patented MountzPro true dual click wrench won the award back in 2013 and the EPT adjustable torque wrench was selected in 2015. “This industry award reinforces the value Mountz provides to its customer base, enabling technicians and mechanics to quickly verify the calibration status of a torque wrench,” said Daniel Andeel, Vice President of Sales & Marketing.

“When manufacturers built tools and accessories that break the mold, they deserve recognition. Professional consumers need to know which tools are a cut-above and breaking new ground,” said Clint DeBoer, Executive Director of the Pro Tool Innovation Awards. “These are the tools that should really be in every tradesman’s toolbox. They can save you time, money, and even make the job easier or more ergonomic.”

A panel of judges made up of tool and media professionals from across the United States and Canada weighed in on entries from top global manufacturers, and Mountz, Inc. received an award for the Validator torque wrench tester.  Here’s what the judges had to say about the torque tester: “It’s the Guru on the mountain that can tell if your torque wrench is still within calibration limits. By taking care of torque wrench calibration checks in-house, you eliminate unnecessary servicing, keeping your crew more productive and the shop more profitable. Thanks to the easy Green/Red visual indicator, there’s no guesswork involved.”

The Validator allows for instant verification that a wrench is still in calibration. Coupled with a torque wrench management and maintenance program the Validator can provide significant cost savings by not relying on a time-based calibration interval but by servicing a wrench only when the wrench starts displaying the incorrect torque during in-house testing.

By performing periodic validations with a torque wrench a technician can be confident that the tool is producing accurately the desired torque setting. Periodic checks can be accomplished quickly with the use of our special Pass / Fail visual feedback system. A preset a target torque and tolerance are programmed and if a torque reading falls within the tolerance a Green light is illuminated, Pass. A Red light is illuminated for any out of tolerance readings, Fail. The operator only needs to look at the lights. The robust torque tester is ideal for field service, maintenance and production applications.

Using a quality torque measurement equipment makes a safer world through accuracy and precision. Controlling torque is essential for companies to ensure their product’s quality, safety and reliability isn’t compromised. The failure of a three-cent fastener that isn’t properly tightened can lead to catastrophic or latent failures. Fasteners that are insufficiently fastened can vibrate loose and excessive torque can strip threaded fasteners.


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