Guide for Conducting Final Adjustments with the MSP Screw Presenter – Blog | Mountz Torque Tips & Solutions

Daily, assembly operators using power tools fumble around picking up screws from bins and slowly align the fasteners onto a bit. In an attempt to grab one fastener at time, several screws often stick to the operator’s fingers. Screws can easily be dropped across a workstation or fumbled to the ground. Smaller the fastener is, the more extensive the challenge becomes for an operator to efficiently pick-up a screws from a bin and perform the fastening process in a timely, productive manner. Using a screw presenter make the fastening process more efficient.

The video below provides a guide for making the final adjustments needed to operate the MSP screw presenter proficiently. These key adjustments help control the speed and efficiency of the screws being presented. The “best-practice” approach to ensure the screw presenter is functioning suitably for your assembly application is to operate the screw presenter with your screws a few times and conduct any fine-tuning adjustments as needed with the device.

Fine-Tuning the MSP Screw Presenter
The speed will determine how fast the rail guide fills up. Adjust this speed to match the speed of your operators, so he or she is not waiting for a new screw to present itself after one has been dispensed and removed by the operator for the fastening process.

The vibration adjustment affects the speed of the screw alignment. If you find screws are not aligning quick enough or are vibrating out of the rail guide, an adjustment with the amount vibration taking place may be needed.

The roller adjustment is for modifying the rail filling timer. It determines how many screws are left on the rail before it starts vibrating again.

Adjusting the height of the brush inside device allows the unit to knock off screws that are not properly sitting in the rail guide, but will allow those screws that are seated correctly to move along the rail guide smoothly.

The MSP screw presenter makes the fastening process more efficient. Using a quality screw feeding system makes a safer world through accuracy and precision. Controlling torque is essential for companies to ensure their product’s quality, safety and reliability isn’t compromised. The failure of a three-cent fastener that isn’t properly tightened can lead to catastrophic or latent failures. Fasteners that are insufficiently fastened can vibrate loose and excessive torque can strip threaded fasteners.

If you require further technical support for making these adjustments, please call our support staff at 1-866-404-2475 and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you.

Other Video Guides for the MSP screw presenter
View our video for tips with adjusting the bit guide.
View our video for tips with adjusting the rail guide.

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