A Bowl Full of Lemons Blogger Q&A | Blog | Nostalgic Warehouse

Toni Hammersley

Toni Hammersley is the author of the website A Bowl Full of Lemons and the books, The Complete Book of Home Organization and The Complete Book of Clean. In addition to being a cleaning and organizing expert, she recently completed building a new Southern Revival style Farmhouse with her family. Toni and family had previously lived in a colonial style house, so they chose Nostalgic Warehouse Door Hardware to add character and charm in their new Home

white door black hardware crystal knob
crystal door hardware

How did you develop your website, A Bowl Full of Lemons, and what sets it apart from the rest?

I started my blog in 2010 to express my creativity (and boredom) while taking some time away from my full-time nursing job. It evolved into something greater than I had originally planned. Now it’s a resource for people all over the world who want to become better homemakers, or who simply want to become better organized in their daily lives.

After twelve long months, you recently completed building a new Southern Revival style farmhouse. Were there specific aspects of building a new house that were more challenging than others?

There were challenges around each corner and learning how to manage them was the key. I know what I like and what I want, but when it came to building our home, I found myself indecisive for just about everything. It was rough!

a bowl full of lemons black crystal doorknob

When you started building your home, how did you organize and plan for it?

I created a dream book before we began. It was my guide.

Where or whom do you get your design inspiration from?

I get inspiration from all over- old homes, Instagram, and my grandmother.

crystal bathroom door knob hardware

What attracted you to Nostalgic Warehouse hardware?

I wanted something that looked like the original door hardware from our first home. Nostalgic Warehouse had exactly what I was looking for! Stay true to the classic and timeless look. Trends and fads will come and go with the seasons, but true classics will always be in style.

What are some recommendations for readers who want to build a new home?

Take inspiration from old homes. Take tours of them, look through magazines, and study the charm and character. Those 100+ year-old homes have stood the (design) test of time. There’s something to be said about that.

What is next for you and your business/home/family?

We are ready to get back to day to day normalcy. The building year was exciting but chaotic. We are ready to enjoy our new home and spend some quality time together. I can’t tell you the last time we went to the movies. As far as work goes, I am ready to get back to regular posting and create more inspiring content for my readers. They have been patient with me and are still by my side. I’m thankful for them.

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