Calculating Car Fuel: How to do it

Knowing how to calculate the fuel your car consumes is a valuable skill for any conscious driver.

Understanding how much fuel your vehicle uses helps you not only control how much you spend but it also aids in making more informed decisions about routes, maintenance, and even choosing a more economical car.

How do you calculate the real fuel your car uses? How do you calculate average fuel usage? How can you reduce your fuel consumption? Find out in this article.


  • Wrong fuel in your car: Find out what to do


What is WLTP?

Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure is a global standard used to determine the levels of pollutants, CO₂emissions, and fuel consumption of both traditional and hybrid cars.


What Factors Influence Fuel Consumption?

Various factors can influence the fuel consumption of a vehicle. Here are some of the main factors that can affect the efficiency with which your car uses fuel:


  • The type of vehicle influences fuel consumption

For example, sports vehicles tend to consume more fuel than city cars.


  • Vehicle size and weight influence fuel consumption

Larger, heavier vehicles generally require more energy to move, which can result in higher fuel consumption.


  • Aerodynamics influence fuel consumption

The more aerodynamic the vehicle, the lower the resistance and, therefore, the lower the fuel consumption.


  • Driving pattern influences fuel consumption

Sharp accelerations and decelerations, driving at high speeds, and driving over rough terrain can increase fuel consumption.


  • Vehicle Maintenance Influences Fuel Consumption

A vehicle that is poorly maintained, has dirty air filters or spark plugs, or worn or misaligned tyres can have reduced fuel efficiency.


  • Tyre Pressure Influences Fuel Consumption

Ensuring the correct tyre pressure is essential to ensuring efficient fuel consumption. Flat tyres increase rolling resistance and can lead to increased fuel consumption.


  • Use of electrical equipment influences fuel consumption

Air conditioning, entertainment systems, and additional lighting can increase the load on the engine and, as a result, a car’s fuel consumption.

When you think of buying a car, one of the main aspects to consider is the vehicle’s average fuel consumption.


Which Cars are Most Efficient: Petrol or Diesel?

According to a study by the European Federation for Transport and Environment, diesel cars (Diesel engines) consume 1.5 litres less per 100km than petrol cars.

This is because petrol has a lower energy density than diesel, which means more petrol must be burned to produce the same amount of energy.

Although these conclusions were drawn, it is essential to highlight that petrol engines have developed in terms of their efficiency and technology in recent years, which can reduce the difference in average fuel consumption when compared to diesel engines.


How Can You Calculate Average Fuel Consumption?

Most modern vehicles have digital readers that allow you to calculate their fuel consumption, displaying consumption in litres per kilometre.

Calculating average fuel consumption for vehicles without this technology can be simple and provide some interesting figures.

First, fill your tank until the pump automatically shuts off. Push the trip reset button.

Drive around the city and on the motorway, as a combination of different roads and traffic will give you a good idea of your car’s overall fuel consumption. Make sure you drive like you would normally.


A Practical Example for Calculating Average Fuel Consumption

How do you calculate how much you spend on fuel? To make it easy, here’s a formula you can use to convert and calculate your fuel consumption:

  1. Fill your car’s tank;
  2. Push the trip reset button;
  3. Drive;
  4. Go back to the petrol station and refill the tank;
  5. Divide the litres you put into your tank by the kilometres you drove;
  6. Multiply by 100.

Imagine that you travelled 400 km and put 31 litres in your tank. Divide the litres (31) by the kilometres travelled (400) and multiply by 100.

The result is 7.75, which means that the average consumption of your car is 7.75 litres per 100km.

If you want to calculate how much fuel your car uses per km, simply divide the litres of fuel used by the kilometres travelled.

In this case, it would be 31 litres divided by 400 kilometres, which is 0.077 litres per kilometre.



Are there Fuel Calculators and Simulators?

If you’re looking to calculate the average fuel consumption of your vehicle online, you can use an online fuel simulator or calculator.


  • Fuelio

Fuelio tracks a route in kilometres and works as a fuel expense calculator.

In addition, it allows you to see nearby petrol stations. Available for Android and iOS.


  • Drivvo

Drivoo allows you to calculate the fuel cost of a trip in Portugal and control all your vehicle expenses.

In addition, it notes every petrol station you went to and draws up reports and consumption tables, among other documents. Available for Android and iOS.


How can you Calculate the Cost of a Trip?

In addition to calculating the fuel you’ll use on a trip, you should also:

  • Check fuel prices to calculate the fuel you’ll use on your trip;
  • Carry out any necessary car maintenance before you set off, as some types of roads may require special care to be taken or accessories, such as when driving in snow.

Although calculating tolls and fuel is important, you should not forget about other costs, such as parking or other applicable taxes at your destination.



Tips to Reduce Fuel Consumption

Now that you know how to calculate your vehicle’s average fuel consumption, here are some essential tips to help you reduce your car’s average consumption.


1. Only Drive when Really Necessary

This may seem obvious, but the truth is that we often don’t even think about it.

We’re so used to the comfort of jumping into the car that sometimes we drive distances that we could easily walk, cycle or use public transport to reach.

Not only does this tip save you money, but it also helps you stay physically active.


2. Make sure the tank cover is tightly closed

Millions of litres of fuel are wasted through evaporation. How? When tank lids are not tightly closed.

Therefore, ensure you tighten it well every time you fill up.


3. Be Consistent in your Driving

When driving, apply constant and consistent pressure to your car’s accelerator and brake pedals.

Having a heavy foot and volatile driving practices will lead to increased fuel consumption.

As such, you should carefully monitor the data provided by your cruise control and adapt your driving accordingly.


4. Keep your Windows Closed

The more aerodynamic your vehicle is, the better its fuel efficiency.

Keeping your windows open while driving creates more resistance and leads to your car needing more energy to maintain a stable speed.

It is usually okay to keep your windows open when driving at speeds below 50 km/h. However, you should keep them closed at higher speeds to improve your car’s fuel consumption.


5. Avoid turning on your Air Conditioning

Use your vehicle’s air conditioning sparingly. However, if you must choose between keeping your car windows open or using air con on the motorway, opt for air-con.


6. Replace Air Filters

Dirty air filters cause your car’s engine to work harder than it should, forcing it to use more fuel.


7. Maintain Proper Tyre Pressure 

Check your car’s owner’s manual and ensure that the tyres are filled to the correct air pressure.

Underfilled tyres can reduce your car’s fuel efficiency by up to 5% – a real waste of fuel and money.


Now You Know How to Calculate Fuel Efficiency, Follow Our Tips

If your car uses more fuel than you would expect, you may not be following your mechanic’s tips and guidelines, as there may be a problem with your car that causes fuel consumption to increase.

But you know what to do to avoid this: carry out regular car maintenance and checks to keep your car running normally to avoid high fuel consumption.

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