DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp Review

DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp

DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp

This has been one of the handiest “hands-free” flashlights I’ve ever used. The DeWalt DWHT70440 has some very thoughtful features that make it a breeze to use on the job site, or on a TV production (as I discovered recently).

The LED is extremely powerful and puts out plenty of light for most tasks. During a recent video production for a “ghost-chasing” show, I was able to use this light as a backlight during an interview. How handy is that? Of course, I felt a little silly standing behind the guy being interviewed and just staring at the back of his head (which is where the director wanted the light), but I was impressed with the throw and brightness of this little diode!

BTW, I finally wised up and clamped the headlamp to a stand, so I could walk away. My momma didn’t raise no dummies!

One of my favorite features on the DWHT70440 is the headband itself. It has rubber thread woven throughout, so it stays put on my head. Of course, it’s designed to wear on a hard hat, but that doesn’t stop me from wearing it on the old noggin.

DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp

 And since I have big paws, I really like the large controls. The ON/OFF switch is easily “mashable”, even if you’re wearing gloves.

DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp

On the opposite side of the light, you’ll find the angle adjustment knob. It moonlights as the secret compartment for the batteries – 3 “AAA”. As for battery life, I’ve been more than happy with their lifespan. No solid numbers, but it certainly isn’t a battery hog, by any means.

DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp

The DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp is a great tool, especially for the money. Take a look at the flashlight in action on the job in our quick video review:

DeWalt DWHT70440 Headlamp Review


For more information: DeWalt Site

$24.99 on Amazon: CLICK HERE

These are pretty popular and sold out in a lot of places. We found a decent price We know nothing about this site, so buyer beware.

 ($22.40 @ post): CLICK HERE

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