FUMI Bracelet Purse Hook is One Clever Gadget


Purse Hook

FUMI Bracelet Purse Hook

I’m a sucker for a bargain, so I am on every “deal of the day” website out there.  Mostly I buy half-off discounts for restaurants, etc., but occasionally, I’ll see a really cool idea and decide to take a chance on a new product.  That was the case recently with the FUMI bracelet purse hook.   Before we go any further, you might be asking the same question as I asked: what the heck is FUMI?  Turns out it is the name of the company that manufactures and designs fashionable and innovative products.  In fact, that’s what FUMI stands for: Fashionable, Unique, Multipurpose, and Innovative.

Now, you may be asking yourself, what does this have to do with tools?  First of all it’s a really cool gadget, which we like to bring to your attention here at Tool Skool. Second, women carry their purses almost everywhere, including dirty job sites and workshops.  I’ve taken woodworking classes and workshops in the past, and this will come in very handy for my next one.

Purse Hook

So what does the FUMI bracelet purse hook do?  Well it has what I consider to be two main jobs, and then FUMI threw in a third one because three is obviously better than two.   First the FUMI bracelet purse hook is a stylish bracelet.

Purse Hook

It’s a bangle bracelet with a hinge on the back that opens and closes for you to easily take it on and off of your wrist.

Purse Hook

The bracelet is stylish and comes in several different shapes and sizes.  I picked the classic style in silver.

Purse Hook

The second job that the FUMI purse hook does, is hold a purse securely on all kinds of surfaces including desks, tables, work benches… and much more.  The possibilities are endless.   It does that with the rubber pads that are made from 100% recycled materials according to FUMI.

Purse Hook

The pads are on the inside of the bracelet, and get this:  when used as a hook, the bracelet can hold 25 pounds!  That’s a lot of weight for a little gadget.

Purse Hook

The third job FUMI assigned to the Bracelet Purse Hook is –  purse charm.  I’m not sure I’d consider it the most important of the three jobs, but it does make it  a convenient way to store the purse hook, and still keep it ready to use if you are not wearing an outfit  that goes with this bracelet.

Purse Hook

Like I said, I got my bracelet purse hook on sale with one of the “deal of the day” sites, but they are handy to have, and I’d consider buying another one in another style or color.

To order on Amazon.com: CLICK HERE

To see all the styles, colors, and prices:  FUMI Website

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