moyno pump diagram

Mag Drive Pumps

The patented sealless magnetic drive design provides zero leakage for the most critical applications.

Mag Drive series are the first progressing cavity wobble stator pumps to offer magnetic drives. The proprietary, magnetic coupling design performs well in hazardous applications and is effective with difficult-to-seal fluids. This ensures operator safety and protects the environment from contamination.Figure 1 shows the moyno pump diagram


  • Patented, sealless technology provides zero leakage, preserving expensive fluids, eliminating hazardous work place conditions and protecting the environment
  • No mechanical seals are used, eliminating costly repairs
  • Pulsation-free, low shear pumping action maintains product integrity
  • No vapor locking when handling gaseous, volatile liquids
  • Four models from which to choose for application versatility
  • Various motor options available
  • Materials of construction include PVC housings
  • Stator materials include FPM with optional Nitrile and EPDM; Titanium rotors are standard
  • Skid mounted, turnkey systems are available for one-stop, hassle-free shopping, saving time and money

Typical Applications

  • Sodium Hypochlorite
  • Ammonia
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Ferric Chloride
  • Aluminum Chloride
  • Ammonium Chloride
  • Calcium Chloride
  • Nickel Chloride

General Utility Pumps

Provides an economic answer to many pumping duties.

Designed for use where low flow or transfer duties in both domestic and industrial applications are required, these self-priming pumps can achieve suction lifts up to 26 feet. Simple design and construction provide extended pump life with minimal routine maintenance.Figure 2 shows the moyno pump diagram


  • Progressing cavity pump principle ensures steady output pressure and non-pulsing flow with minimal slippage–a very useful feature when pumping heating oil to burner nozzles for example
  • Smooth action and resilient rubber stator ensures quiet running–ideal for light industrial and domestic installations
  • Simple design and easy dismantle
  • An abrasion and chemical resistant stator for handling viscous liquids and random solids
  • Available as cast iron, stainless steel or engineered co-polymer bodies
  • High quality stainless steel rotating parts
  • Available either bareshaft or coupled with a motor

Typical Applications

  • Dosing applications
  • Light creams
  • Shampoo
  • Cosmetics
  • Diesel/fuel oils
  • Water sampling
  • Hydraulic/lubricating oils
  • Cellar drainage
  • Septic tank/cesspit emptying
  • Garden sprinkler systems
  • Water supply from wells or rivers
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