Robotic Lawn Mowers 2023 – Definitive Guide

 Fri, 14th Jul, 2023

Robotic lawnmowers are becoming increasingly popular as an efficient and convenient way to maintain a neat lawn. With technological advances, robotic mowers have become more affordable and offer a range of features and capabilities.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to robotic lawnmowers, including an analysis of cost, mechanism, safety, garden suitability, maintenance, eco-friendliness, and troubleshooting tips. Through this analysis, readers can decide whether a robotic mower is right for them.

Additionally, readers can gain an understanding of the various features and capabilities of robotic mowers and how they operate. This guide will provide readers with an extensive overview of robotic mowers and the information they need to make an educated decision.

Key Takeaways

  • Robot lawn mowers are small, autonomous machines that cut grass quietly and autonomously.
  • The cost of robot lawnmowers in Ireland can range from €600 to €5,700.
  • The running costs of a robot lawn mower are relatively low, with an estimated monthly energy consumption of around 12 kWh.
  • Robot lawnmowers use Artificial Intelligence technology and work by autonomously cutting and mulching grass multiple times daily, following programmed parameters and using sensors to navigate their environment.
  • Battery lawnmowers are a more popular choice Vs Robotic Lawnmowers

Understanding Robotic Lawn Mowers

Robotic lawn mowers are autonomous machines designed to cut and mulch grass more frequently than a regular lawn mower, utilizing a combination of sensors, circuit boards, motors, and wheels to navigate a designated area effectively. They are typically equipped with safety features and require hardly any interaction from the user when set up correctly. The cost of a robotic lawn mower depends on the model and features and can range from €600 to €5,700  or more. Running costs are roughly 12 kWh per month, although this cost will vary depending on the area.

Regarding safety, robot lawnmowers are unsafe for pets and children. However, they are generally safe as long as the user takes the proper precautions and follows the safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer. It is important to note that even the cheapest models have many safety features.

When considering a robot lawn mower, it is important to determine whether it is compatible with the garden layout. Some robot mowers are designed for small city gardens while others are meant for large lawns, and some models can recognize different mowing zones configured and/or scheduled by the operator. Additionally, slopes up to 30 or 45 degrees, even up to 60 degrees, can be handled by robot mowers, but they cannot use stairs.

Robot lawn mowers come with two main types of cutting systems: fixed blades and pivoting blades. Fixed blades are less energy efficient and not as safe, but more efficient at cutting grass. Pivoting blades are rotating disc to which usually three pivoting razor blades are attached.

Finally, the protection of flowerbeds, tree saplings, and other elements at risk of challenging the robot mower also varies by model. More sophisticated robot mowers can detect objects that are big enough, while the simpler models require the installation of a perimeter wire in a way that excludes these elements from the designated mowing area.

What is the Price Range of Robotic Mowers In Ireland?

The price range of robotic mowers can span from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on model features, capabilities, and quality. The cost of robot lawnmowers in Ireland can range from €600 to €5,700.

The safety of robotic mowers depends on the model. Most models come with safety features, and it takes effort on the user's part to make them unsafe. However, they should still be kept away from pets and children.

The garden size is important to consider when purchasing a robotic mower. Most models are suitable for smaller gardens, but high-end models can handle larger areas of up to 44,000 square meters. Multiple zones can be configured, but moving the mower between zones may require manual intervention. Most mowers can handle slopes up to 60 degrees, but staircases and narrow pathways should be avoided. Obstacles should also be taken into consideration.

Robotic mowers typically have either a fixed blade or a pivoting blade cutting system. Fixed blades are less energy efficient and louder, but more efficient at cutting grass. Pivoting blades are quieter, but they are not as efficient at cutting.

When deciding which robotic mower to purchase, factors such as cost, safety, garden size, and cutting system should all be considered. With the right model, robotic mowers can be a great addition to any garden.

Mechanism Explained: How Do Robotic Mowers Operate?

Robots used for lawn mowing are typically equipped with a multitude of components that allow them to navigate and cut grass autonomously. These components include wheels, a cutting system, several motors, a circuit board, sensors, and a chassis.

The circuit board functions as the robot's brain, while the sensors are its eyes. They enable the robot to detect its environment and adjust its actions accordingly. The more sophisticated the sensor-circuit combination, the better the robot can perform its task.

The cutting system is also important, and there are two main types. The first is the fixed blade, which is like a mini version of a regular lawn mower blade and is relatively loud. It is, however, more efficient at cutting grass. The second is the pivoting blade, which has a rotating disc with three razor blades attached. This type is quieter and more energy efficient but less efficient at cutting grass.

Robot lawn mowers must also be able to navigate the lawn safely and efficiently. The size of the lawn they are able to handle depends on the model. Cheaper models are designed for 300 sq. meters, whereas more expensive models can handle up to 44,000 sq. meters. Some robots can also recognize different mowing zones that the operator has configured, but if the zone is not accessible, the robot must be manually transported. Slopes of up to 60 degrees can usually be handled, but stairs are not. Finally, the robot must be able to avoid obstacles, such as flowerbeds and tree saplings.

Robot mowers are equipped with various safety features but are not completely safe. Although such accidents are rare, they can pose a danger to small animals and children. For this reason, it is important to take the necessary precautions when using a robot mower. With the proper setup and maintenance, robot mowers can provide a reliable and convenient way to keep your lawn looking neat and tidy.

Evaluating Safety: How Secure are Robotic Lawn Mowers?

Evaluating the safety of autonomous cutting machines presents a challenge for many homeowners. In the context of robotic lawn mowers, safety is a paramount concern as these machines interact with the environment and people, which may include pets and small children. However, most robot mowers come with various safety features, making them safe to use in most situations.

Robot mowers are equipped with sensors that allow them to detect and avoid obstacles. Some models are even equipped with facial recognition and voice recognition technology, allowing them to recognize and interact with people and pets they come in contact with. Additionally, most robot mowers have a low center of gravity, allowing them to traverse steep slopes relatively easily.

It is important to note that these machines are not completely safe. They may be a hazard to small animals and children who cannot step aside quickly enough. However, the risk of serious injury or death is very low, as the robot mower is programmed to shut off if it tilts too much. Additionally, the frequency of such accidents is very low, as most animals will run away from the noise produced by the mower.

When considering the safety of a robotic lawn mower, it is also essential to consider the garden layout. Most robot mowers are designed to handle lawns up to 300 m², but some models can handle up to 44,000 m². Robot mowers may also have difficulty navigating multiple zones, narrow pathways, and staircases.

Robotic lawn mowers are generally safe to use, provided the garden layout suits the model in question. Most robot mowers have various safety features, including sensors, facial recognition, and a low center of gravity. Additionally, the risk of serious injury or death is very low, as most animals will run away from the noise produced by the mower. However, ensuring that the garden layout suits the robot mower in question is important.

Assessing Garden Suitability

Assessing gardens for compatibility with autonomous cutting machines is an important task for many homeowners. Most gardens should be suitable for a robot mower, but there are some special considerations.

Firstly, garden size is a key factor to consider, as robot mowers have varying maximum lawn sizes they can handle.

Secondly, if multiple zones are to be cut, some models can recognize them, while others may require manual carrying.

Thirdly, slopes steeper than 30-60 degrees may be too challenging for the robot mower, and stairs should be avoided.

Lastly, obstacles such as flowerbeds and saplings need protection through the model's sensors or a manually installed perimeter wire.

A robot mower's cutting system is another important factor in assessing garden suitability. Fixed blade systems are less energy efficient and louder, but are more effective at cutting grass. Pivoting blades, on the other hand, are quieter and more energy efficient, but may not be as effective.

In assessing garden suitability for a robot mower, many homeowners must consider a variety of factors to ensure the machine is able to handle their garden safely and effectively. Garden size, zones, slopes, stairs, obstacles, and cutting system all play a role in the robot mower's performance.

By carefully evaluating these factors, homeowners can ensure they select the best robot mower for their needs.

Cutting Systems Breakdown

Exploring the two main types of cutting systems used by robot mowers, fixed blade systems offer a more efficient cut but at the cost of increased energy consumption and noise, while pivoting blade systems offer a quieter, more energy-efficient cut.

The fixed blade system is made up of a mini version of regular lawn mower cutting blades that are solid and fixed, spinning around its axis. This type of cutting system is more efficient at cutting grass, but is also less energy efficient and not as safe, as it tends to be louder than the other type.

Pivoting blades are attached to a rotating disc, usually with three blades, and these blades pivot as they rotate. This type of cutting system is quieter and more energy efficient, but may not be as effective at cutting thick or overgrown grass.

Robot mowers also have different capabilities when it comes to garden size, multiple zones, slopes, stairs, obstacles, and narrow pathways. Most robot mowers are meant for gardens up to 300 m², while some high-end models can handle larger lawns up to 44,000 m². Most robot mowers can handle slopes up to 60 degrees, though steep stairs cannot be navigated and narrow pathways may require a robot mower with more advanced sensors.

To protect flowerbeds, obstacle detection capabilities vary from one model to the next, with some robot mowers detecting larger objects while others may require the installation of a perimeter wire around any potential obstacles.

When choosing a robot mower, understanding the capabilities of the various cutting systems, garden size, multiple zones, slopes, stairs, obstacles, and narrow pathways can help ensure the right model is chosen for the job. With the right model, a robot mower can provide a more efficient and quieter cut than a regular mower, while requiring less interaction and babysitting.

Lifespan: How Durable are Robotic Lawn Mowers?

The two types of cutting systems discussed in the previous subtopic, fixed blade and pivoting blade, are just two of the components that make up a robotic lawn mower. Another important factor to consider when purchasing a robotic lawn mower is how durable the device is. In this subtopic, we will explore the longevity of robotic lawn mowers and how you can ensure your device is well-maintained.

Robotic lawn mowers can be expected to have an average lifespan of 5-8 years. Factors such as the type of device, weather conditions, and regular maintenance will all contribute towards the longevity of a robotic lawn mower.

It is important to practice good maintenance habits to ensure you get the most out of your robotic lawn mower. Here are 4 tips for ensuring your robotic lawn mower is well-maintained:

  1. Check the cutting blades regularly and sharpen them as needed.
  2. Clean the device regularly by wiping down the body and removing any debris from the blades.
  3. Inspect the perimeter wire and replace it as needed.
  4. Check the battery levels and replace the battery as needed.

In addition, it is important to read the manufacturer's instructions before using the robotic lawn mower. This will help you identify any safety precautions and familiarize yourself with the device.

Overall, robotic lawn mowers can be expected to last an average of 5-8 years with proper maintenance. By following the tips outlined above and reading the manufacturer's instructions, you can help ensure your robotic lawn mower will operate optimally for many years to come.

Maintenance Guide: Caring for Your Robotic Lawn Mower

Regular care and maintenance are essential for extending the lifespan and improving the performance of a robotic lawn mower. It is important to properly maintain and care for the robotic lawn mower to ensure that it functions properly and lasts for many years. Different models of robotic lawn mowers may require different maintenance levels, but generally, they should be checked and maintained at least twice a year.

The first step in caring for a robotic lawn mower is to ensure that all moving parts are functioning correctly and that there are no loose parts. This includes checking the wheels, blades, and motors for any signs of wear or damage. If any parts are damaged, they should be replaced immediately. It is also important to inspect the blades for sharpness and to sharpen them if necessary.

In addition to inspecting the parts of the robotic lawn mower, keeping the charging station clean and free of debris is important. This will help to ensure that the mower is able to charge properly and efficiently. It is also important to check the battery levels to make sure that the mower can run for the required amount of time.

The next step in caring for a robotic lawn mower is to keep the sensors and control systems clean and free of dust, dirt, and debris. This will help the mower to detect obstacles and navigate its environment accurately. It is also important to regularly check the perimeter wire to make sure that it is properly installed and that no areas have been missed.

Finally, it is important to properly store the robotic lawn mower when it is not in use. This includes keeping it away from moisture and storing it at a consistent temperature. It is also important to keep the mower away from direct sunlight and store it safely.

By properly caring for and maintaining a robotic lawn mower, it will be able to provide reliable performance for many years.

Environmental Impact

As we move from discussing the maintenance of robotic lawn mowers to considering their environmental impact, exploring the concept of an eco-friendly robotic mower is intriguing. Although it may seem counterintuitive at first, there is an abundance of evidence pointing to the fact that robotic lawn mowers can be an effective and efficient way of maintaining a garden without causing any unnecessary harm to the environment. Here are four ways in which robotic mowers can become eco-friendly:

  1. Low carbon footprint: Robotic lawn mowers are powered by battery, meaning they do not generate any emissions or consume any fossil fuels, which would otherwise contribute to global warming.

  2. Reduced noise pollution: Robotic mowers are quieter than their gas-powered counterparts, which means they can be operated without causing noise pollution and disturbing the neighbourhood's peace.

  3. Reduced water consumption: Robotic mowers are able to cut grass more efficiently, which means that less water is required for the growth of the grass. This makes them an excellent choice for water-saving gardens.

  4. Reduced waste production: As robotic mowers are powered by battery, they do not produce any waste such as oil, gas or filters, making them an ideal choice for an eco-friendly garden.

Robotic mowers can therefore be a great alternative to conventional mowers for those looking to reduce their environmental impact. Not only do they reduce emissions, but they also save water and produce less waste, making them an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Furthermore, they are extremely efficient, meaning they can be used to maintain a garden quickly, without the need for any additional energy or resources.

Troubleshooting Tips: Dealing with Common Robotic Mower Problems

Comprehensive troubleshooting techniques are essential for dealing with common robotic mower problems and ensuring optimal performance. Robotic mowers are complex pieces of machinery, and while they are designed to be low-maintenance and long-lasting, they can still suffer from several issues.

Common robotic mower problems include sensors that are not functioning correctly, poor navigation, and mowing that is inconsistent or inadequate. As such, it is important to understand the underlying causes of these problems and how to address them.

One of the most common problems associated with robotic mowers is poor navigation. This may be due to several factors, including a lack of visibility or a lack of power. To address this issue, it is important to ensure the mower is properly charged, the sensors are working properly, and the mower is in a clear line of sight. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the perimeter wire is properly installed and that there are no obstructions in the mower's path.

Another common problem associated with robotic mowers is inadequate or inconsistent mowing. This may be due to several factors, including the type of cutting system used. If the mower has a fixed blade cutting system, it may be more prone to leaving clumps or patches of uncut grass. To address this issue, it is important to ensure the blade is sharp and that the cutting height is appropriate for the mowed type of grass. If the mower has a pivoting blade system, it may be more prone to leaving strips or edges of uncut grass. To address this issue, it is important to ensure the blades are properly balanced and that the cutting height is appropriate for the type of grass being mowed.

It is also essential to be aware of potential technical issues that may occur with a robotic mower. This includes issues with the battery, motors, and circuit boards. To address these issues, ensuring the mower is appropriately charged and the connections between the components are secure is important. Additionally, it is important to ensure the software is up to date and that the mower is regularly monitored and maintained.

Robotic mowers can be highly efficient and effective pieces of machinery, but they can also suffer from a range of common problems. To ensure optimal performance, it is important to understand the underlying causes of these issues and to take the necessary steps to address them. By following the above tips and being mindful of potential technical issues, robotic mowers can be kept in top condition and continue to provide reliable and efficient mowing services.



Robotic lawnmowers are a great way to maintain a neat lawn without spending hours mowing it yourself. They require little maintenance and offer a range of features and capabilities. Safety features are included and generally safe to use, as long as pets and children are kept away.

Different cutting systems are available, and the size of the garden that can be handled depends on the model. Understanding the cost, mechanism, safety, garden suitability, maintenance requirements, and environmental impact of robotic mowers is essential to making an informed decision.

The Verdict

As for 2023, most people use traditional lawnmowers due to much lower costs and maintenance. Battery lawnmowers are the trending winner. Check out our online collection of lawnmowers here.

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