Ryobi Tek4 Portable Power Source RP4900 – Tool Review

Now, more than ever, our phones are our lifelines.  We use them constantly and we are lost without them.  And while it may sound a bit dramatic, we start to panic when the battery starts to die; we have no way to continue our work day without stopping to recharge.

I am not a contractor, but my work is similar to a contractor or a sub in that I am often not at a desk or an office – I’m out and about either doing a video shoot on a job site or traveling to and from the many tasks and jobs I have to get done in a day.

When I’m in my car, it’s fine: I have a car charger, but that only works when my car is running. If I’m on location for a few hours, it’s not very convenient or practical to leave my car running or to start and stop it.  This past week, I was doing location scouting and couldn’t get my car charger to charge the battery quick enough for me to get to the next location where I needed to use my phone to take pictures and message them to the rest of the team.  The Tek4 power source saved my rear all week long by keeping my phone running when I needed it.  It’s a traveler’s best friend.

If you’re already are familiar with the Tek4 line, you know that the whole line runs off of a 4-volt lithium-ion battery.  The battery can be used with any and all of the tools in the line.   And when not in use, it will hold a charge for literally weeks, if not longer.

The portable power source doesn’t come with the battery, but if you already have one, then you’re set… If not, see my article on the battery, rapid charger combo, as I think this is the best solution.  What it does come with is multiple adapters so that is can be used with the majority of smart phones on the market, including iPhone, Blackberry, and the various Android phones.  All you do is pick the adapter that works with your phone, plug it into the end of the portable power source, slide the 4-volt battery in the battery compartment (it only goes in one way), screw on the cover, and use your phone’s power cord to plug into the power source, and you’re charging!

With my iPhone, it will charge the battery about an additional 30% from the level it was when I connected it to the source.  That’s a big deal if you are out on a job site and just need a couple of hours of juice to finish the day.  The only downside I’ve found with my particular unit is that for whatever reason, if I leave the battery in the power source with the adapter plugged in, even if my phone is not plugged into the adapter, the battery does drain.  So I’ve just gotten in the habit of taking it out when not in use.  Just like all of the Tek4 line, it is dust and water resistant, and a great bargain at less than $25 (without the battery).  I totally give it a “thumbs up” and can’t believe I lived without it for as long as I did!

For more info on the Tek4 line of tools and accessories: CLICK HERE

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