Security Penta-Nuts™ Handle Years of Wear and Tear | Bryce Fastener | Blog

Security Penta-Nuts™ Handle Years of Wear and Tear

Dec 05, 2018

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Bryce Fastener’s Penta-Nuts™ are made tough.

The Penta-Nut’s™ design won’t loosen under extreme vibrations, it’s durability handles years of wear and tear, while maintaining it’s integrity as a High Security Nut. 

Available in sizes: 6/32 – 7/8-9 (M4 – M20). Download Brochure.

These pictures just came in showing our Penta-Nuts™ securing Public Bikes. They were first installed on brand new bikes in 2014 and are still holding strong 4 years later. The bike on the other hand, looks a little tired.

penta-nut on bike

penta-nuts on bike 4 years later


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