Shepherd for the Right Bike Lock Methods

If you have been a cycling-enthusiast for so long, whether you commute to work daily or plan to hit your trails on the weekend then making your bike protected is one of the main concerns that revolve around you!

Being a nerd has always been a threat to your bike, why not accustom your motorcycle to the protection it deserves. Don’t give up on your bike, because making it prone to tampering or theft is the evolving dilemma that counts on the owner’s side. 

Why is Best U-Lock mandatory for your Bike?

The level of security you need for your bike depends on where you are leaving your bike and how long it would be out of your sight.

When buying a brand new bicycle or a bike for you, one of the most important things to purchase alongside is a quality bike lock to develop a shield against tampering attacks. 

There are many types and brands of locks roaming around the internet and have taken over the market for so long. Every brand differs from the levels of protection against a thief. 

Why Skunk Lock is leaned to Armour your bike from Burglary

If you’re new to cycling or bicycle security, it can be confusing. Sadly, there are hundreds of bikes stolen every year, so it’s imperative to make the right choice at the right time before the burglars run away with your bike.

5 Ways to Prevent Bicycle Theft!

1. Fuel up the security of your bike by using two high-quality locks. Resonating your bike with a more durable bike lock, probably the U-locks, these locks tend to be more long-lasting than the thin cable locks. As compared to the U-locks, cable locks are generally easier to cut through. The U-locks by Skunklocks are worthwhile to have as they are paired up with a hydraulic system.

A Pro-tip for all the cyclists!

Consider pairing your bike with a sturdy bike lock that shields against theft or tampering acts.

2. Use your locks accustomed to your wheels to protect them from being stolen. If you want to bolster the security of your bike, it is possible by using a U-lock. For better protection, it is recommended to tie-up the U-lock through the bike frame.

You can attach your bike with the rack or reliable support like the rails in the parking lots. You might consider your bike looped up with a U-lock accompanying both the front and back wheel.

3.  Don’t park your bike outside at night because most bike thieves prefer to steal your bike when the sun goes down, and it is easy to have their hands on the bike.  Whenever possible, bring your bike indoors at night — and if you can’t bring it indoors, lock it up in a well-lit area because these areas are under surveillance.

4. Flag your bikes with a whiff of uniqueness. Bikes adorned with personalized elements are somehow easier to identify even in the bulk of the stolen bikes it becomes more challenging for the thieves to sell. They can be easily recognized, making them less likely to be bike stolen

5. If you come across the tampering and puncturing of your bike’s tires, we strictly advise never to let your bike unattended as there are plenty of chances that a burglar would pop out later. The smart thieves puncture the tires on purpose; they return to the unattended bikes to take them away.

Penned Words

Before leaving you guys we would recommend parking your bikes in rushy areas as these places are bound to have CCTV cameras planted on the shafts. 

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