StrongArm 5 Portable Drill Press – Tool Review


StrongArm 5 Portable Drill Press

Since the invention of the drill (which dates back literally centuries to ancient cultures), we have looked for ways to make them easier to use and with less effort. That quest resulted in the creation of the drill press and other machines designed to make work less painful.

A few centuries later, Mike Glodowski at GloTech, Inc. came up with his own version of the drill press after long hours working in a body shop. His creation has been modified and improved over the years and in one of its current incarnations is the StrongArm 5. It uses the power of leverage to exert force on the drill in a 5 to 1 ratio. This means you have to apply less pressure to the drill in awkward situations that could cause pain or injury.

In the video review below, you’ll see the StrongArm 5 in action. There’s a short learning curve involved in using the accessory. It took only a couple of minutes for me to figure out which position worked best for placing the foot, holding the handle and pivoting the drill in the collar. That’s a benefit to anyone using the StrongArm 5 – you can pretty much customize its configuration to your preferences.

Additionally, GloTech sells an extension arm that allows you to easily reach 8 foot ceilings or overhangs much more safely than standing on a ladder. Check out his website ( to see Mike in several dangerous scenarios where the drill press saved his bacon 🙂 You’ll also find some additional uses for the StrongArm 5 that I didn’t even cover in the review.

Best of all, this is a product invented by one of us “Little Guys” and made here in the USA. Great job, Mike!


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